Plot/Concept Wiki
The show revolves around Sneha Mathur, a young doctor, who leaves behind her lucrative career in Mumbai and decides to work in her village. The show also focuses on Sneha's crusade to ensure the finest quality of healthcare for all. Under her leadership, village women find their voice through collective action.
Season one focused on key behaviour and social norms around child marriage, sex selection, domestic violence, sensitisation of boys and reproductive health and family planning.
The second season addressed issues of mental health, substance misuse, physical and sexual changes, sanitation and hygiene, physical and sexual violence and gender-based discrimination, with a special focus on young people.
Timing/Telecast Detail
- TV Show Name :- 'Main Kuch Bhi Kar Sakti Hoon'
- TV Channel Name :- Vimeo/YouTube
- Launching Date :- July, 2017
- Duration :---